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Support for A11 HERO



Does the vacuum work on carpets?
The vacuum works on carpets that are low pile carpet. The vacuum's effectiveness is reduced on medium and high pile carpet types. Please see below for examples of each type of carpet.
Does the A10 have an air filter?
The A10 has a HEPA filter that traps 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. This allows the sealed air filtration system to output clean air when vacuuming. Depending on how often the vacuum is used, we recommend cleaning the filter once every 6 months by removing the HEPA filter from the main body and running it under running water. Please make sure that the filter is completely dry before reinstalling back into the vacuum.
How do I register my vacuum?
You can register your product on https://www.tineco.com/ by clicking on Register on the upper right hand corner of the page. Please input your email, serial number of your Tineco device and the date of your purchase. If you do not register your product, your products will still have its 2-year limited warranty.
Will the vacuum scratch wood floors or other hard floor surfaces?
By using the Full-size LED Multi-tasker Power Brush, the vacuum can be used on multiple types of hard floor surfaces.
What is the suction power rated at?
The main motor power is rated at 350W. This means that the suction power created when using the floor brush is rated at 105W.
How often should I wash the pre-filter?
We suggest you clean the pre-filter at least once a week with our rinse-free pre filter cleaning tool. It also depends on the actual use condition of the filters.


A11 Hero Bedienungsanleitung A11 PET Bedienungsanleitung


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